March Newsletter

Ahoy there dancers!

We hope you’ve all been enjoying dancing with us this term and hope to continue to see you through the rest of the year! Here are some updates on stuff going on in the club:

Special General Meeting
Alex, our beloved treasurer, is leaving us! Alas we must push forward and find a new treasurer to replace her. We will be holding a special general meeting in between classes on Thursday to elect a new treasurer. Please attend to have your say in the club. (We will also be announcing the name of our dinosaur so check out our socials to vote for your favorite!)

Merch Options
After much discussion on colors and styles, we have some merch options for you all! You will be able to place your order until the end of the first week back of Term Two. Visual mockups of the design will be released later on but as of now the designs all feature the Dancing Dinosaurs logo as follows:
$15 – Bright Blue 800mL Water Bottle with Logo
$25 – Black T-Shirt with Teal OR Pink Logo
$40 – Pink Hoodie with Navy Logo
$40 – Navy Hoodie with Pink OR White Logo

Term Two Classes
We are still finalizing our plans for Term Two but we are planning to teach Modern Jive & The Charleston on Tuesdays and Line Dance & Rock ‘n’ Roll on Thursdays! Classes will begin at 7:00pm on both nights, meaning doors will open for entry at 6:45pm. We will be continuing use of the Westburn School Hall for Thursdays but our Tuesday venue is to be confirmed so watch this space!

Joining the Roster
We are looking for helpful volunteers to join our class roster. We have several roles available for people looking to help out in running the classes such as managing the door, setting up the venue, being tech support, and making playlists for social dancing at the end of the night! There will be a signup sheet available in class.

Upcoming Events

  • Country Dance Party on the 17th of May at 7:00pm in Ti Kouka ($10 Entry)
  • Hanmer Springs Quiz Fundraiser on the 1st of June at 6:00pm (Price TBC)
  • Just Dance Breaks – Dates TBC but these will be during study break and exams!

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night and at our upcoming events!

Roz Ahearn