Summer Walk – Sunday 3rd March @ 10:30

Grab out your walking shoes and join us on this fun and relaxing walk up the Harry Ell Track to the Sign of the Kiwi Cafe! UCanDance’s first social event of the year will be a super chill walk up to the Sign of The Kiwi for a cuppa and some chats.

This event will be a great opportunity to get to know others from UCanDance outside of classes. There will be two groups, those who wish to walk the track to the cafe and another group who will drive directly to the cafe. The walk will be around an hour to get from the Sign of The Takahe to the Sign of the Kiwi.

Transport will be provided from the Haere-Roa carpark to and from the Track and Cafe.

Walkers will meet at the carpark at 10.30am and drive up to the Sign of the Takahe to begin their trek. Those driving directly to the Sign of the Kiwi will meet at the carpark at 11.30, where they will head off to join the walkers at the cafe for some good food and conversation! If you have a car and are happy to drive people that would be amazing and we would love to know, give us a heads up!

Please look at the gear list below so you know what to bring ðŸ˜Š

Gear Basics:

  • $$$ for café snacks and drinks
  • Sunhat
  • Water bottle
  • Picnic Blanket to share (Optional)

Extras for the Walkers:

  • Rain jacket (weather dependant)
  • Sturdy Shoes (tread and able to get dirty)
  • Warm layer
  • Clothes suitable for walking
  • Cheeky snack if desired

If you have any questions, or would like to offer your driving services, contact UCanDance here.